HomeBack Column non-Objects

Table Objects
to Modify
to Add
to Delete
Row Objects
to Modify
to Add
to Delete
to Modify
to Add
to Delete
Cell Objects
to Modify
to Add
to Delete

Column Properties

Columns are not objects and therefore have no properties.  However, Composer does provide some assistance in adding and deleting groups of cells that make up the columns of a table.  There are no Column Properties in the HTML 3.2 standard (though future versions will address column properties).

Adding a column to a table

Columns are added to the right of the column where the cursor is. =OR=
  1. L-Click in a column's cell;
  2. Menubar: Insert, select Column
Since columns are added to the right of a specified column, a new first column can not be added to a table.  Add a new second column, and cut and paste the cell entries from the first column into it.

Deleting a column from a table

There is no way to select a group of columns; columns can only be deleted one at a time. =OR=
  1. L-Click anywhere in the column to delete;
  2. Menubar: Edit, select Delete Table, then select Column

Changing the properties of a column

Since a Column is not an object, there are no properties that apply to all the cells of a column.  And Composer provides no extra help in this task, as it does in adding and deleting columns.  To change the properties of all the cells in a column, the properties of each cell in the column must be changed individually.  Sorry.
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